Wednesday 9 April 2014

Maria Miller has resigned as Culture Secretary


  • Basingstoke MP says controversy over expenses 'became a distraction from the vital work the Government is doing'
  • She wrote to David Cameron today to tell him she wanted to quit
Maria Miller has resigned as Culture Secretary this morning. 
The Basingstoke MP stood down this morning following controversy over her mortgage claims and the tone of her apology to MPs
In a letter to Prime Minister David Cameron, Mrs Miller said the controversy over her expenses 'has become a distraction from the vital work this Government is doing'.
The Culture Secretary's dramatic decision this morning comes just hours after she used a column in her local newspaper to try to save her job.
She has been widely criticised following her 32-second apology in the Commons last week after being ordered to repay £5,800 in overclaimed mortgage costs. 
More to follow.
Resignation: The Basingstoke MP stood down as Culture Secretary this morning following controversy over her mortgage claims and teh tone of her apology to MPs
Resignation: The Basingstoke MP stood down as Culture Secretary this morning following controversy over her mortgage claims and teh tone of her apology to MPs

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