Thursday 10 April 2014

Do Kim and Kanye Have to Call Off Their Wedding?

Courtesy of Getty Images
Is the Kimye wedding extravaganza over before it even starts?! Rumor has it French residency law may squash our dreams of seeing Kim Kardashian and Kanye West tie the knot in Paris reports Radar Online.
According to various statutes in France, at least one of the parties has to have resided in France for at least 40 days prior to the wedding. The gossip website spoke to the French Embassy in Washington D.C. to get the scoop: "All marriages must be performed by a French civil authority before any religious ceremony takes place. The mayor can authorize the deputy mayor or a city councilor to perform the ceremony in the town in which one of the parties to be married has resided for at least 40 days preceding the marriage. These requirements can not be waived."
The rumored May 24 wedding date is fast approaching, leaving barely enough time to fulfill the residency requirements. And yet, a Kardashian source totally dismissed the reports to E! News, calling them "completely false."
Well, that almost settles that: If Kimye plans on obtaining a marriage license overseas they will have to take the French law into account. But that shouldn't be an issue since Kanye owns an apartment in Paris.
Though there is an upside to the French law. It dictates that there needs to be two wedding ceremonies, which we're sure the flashy couple would love to plan. "The religious ceremony has to be performed after the civil ceremony (never before). The minister, priest or rabbi will require a certificate of civil marriage before any religious ceremony takes place," the French Embassy told Radar Online.
We can't wait to see how this "intimate" wedding with over-the-top favors and a double ceremony finally unfolds!

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