Friday 28 February 2014

'It was our uncle who inspired us': 3T pay tribute to Michael Jackson on The Big Reunion for helping them cope after their mother's death

3T have paid tribute to their father Tito Jackson and late uncle Michael Jackson for helping them to keep going after their mother's death.

In an emotional episode of The Big Reunion, the group, Taj, Taryll and TJ Jackson, admitted the pair were instrument in helping them following their mother Dee Dee Jackson's murder in August 1994.
TJ said: 'I remember going into a room at the hospital and a doctor came in and gave us the news that our mother was no longer with us. It changed my life. 
Emotional: Taj Jackson spoke about the difficulties the group faced when their mother died
Emotional: Taj Jackson spoke about the difficulties the group faced when their mother died
Tough: TJ Jackson came close to tears as she discussed the group's past
Tough: TJ Jackson came close to tears as she discussed the group's past

'It was our uncle and our father who inspired us to continue forward.
Taryll added: 'He [Michael] kept us driven and said the best way to cope was to make her proud.'
The group also explained how they could've become a band even earlier than they did but Michael wanted the trio to enjoy their childhood.
Altogether: 3T with their late mother Dee Dee Jackson
Altogether: 3T with their late mother Dee Dee Jackson
Inspiring: Michael Jackson inspired hi nephews 3T to make their mother proud following her death
Inspiring: Michael Jackson inspired hi nephews 3T to make their mother proud following her death

Reunion:Taryll Jackson struggled to hold back the tears while speaking about his mother's death in 1994
Reunion:Taryll Jackson struggled to hold back the tears while speaking about his mother's death in 1994

Taj said: 'We had major labels after us. Our uncle didn't want us to come out at that time, he wanted us to enjoy our childhood.
'Our uncle was there to help us at that time but it was a big transition
'We understood we only had one chance at a debut album and to make a great statement of us three.'
Inspiring: 3T revealed how their uncle, Michael Jackson, told them to make their mother proud following her death
Inspiring: 3T revealed how their uncle, Michael Jackson, told them to make their mother proud following her death

Back together: 3T have reunited for The Big Reunion
Back together: 3T have reunited for The Big Reunion

The group experienced problems with Michael clashed with Sony Music Entertainment's company chairman Tommy Mottola, which resulted in issues for the boy band as they were signed to the same label as their uncle.
In the end 3T had to changed labels and were left devastated when they had to start all over again on their album.
Taryll said: 'We couldn't take our album with us. To work so hard and then be able to do anything and feel trapped is horrible. We didn't do anything wrong … we are who we are.'
3T also went on to discuss their devastation following the death of their uncle, Michael, and admitted they felt a 'responsibility' to look after his children just as he had looked after them when they were younger.
As a result, TJ is now co-guardian of Michael's children - Prince Michael, 17, Paris, 15, and 12-year-old Blanket.
Disappointment: Taryll (left) was left devastated when the group had to change record labels
Disappointment: Taryll (left) was left devastated when the group had to change record labels

Elsewhere on the episode, Eternal - Easther and Vernie Bennett, and Kéllé Bryan - discussed their past disagreements and Easther admitted the group have barely talked to each other since they split in 2000.
She said: 'It was like going through a divorce, when you're in a divorce sometimes you speak to your partner afterwards and sometimes you don't.'
Kelle also spoke about how she felt trapped being in a band with two sisters who were often voicing similar opinions to each other.
She said: 'I haven't spoken to either of the girls in a very long time. 
'When you're in a band and two of the girls are sisters then you kn9ow that they're sometimes going to have the same opinions.
Back in the day: Eternal also poured out their hearts on The Big Reunion and discussed Kelle's departure from the group
Back in the day: Eternal also poured out their hearts on The Big Reunion and discussed Kelle's departure from the group

'I'd like some closure, I'd like to be able to look back on Eternal and smile like everybody else does.'
She also claimed she was never invited on several trips the sisters, despite the group being a trio.
Kelle said: 'I was never invited, most of the time during recording. Especially when you were doing all the LA things.' 
Shocked: Kelle admitted she felt hurt at being told she was out of the band via a fax
Shocked: Kelle admitted she felt hurt at being told she was out of the band via a fax

Vernie and Easther appeared to be surprised at this, and the siblings also defended themselves when Kelle admitted she was devastating at being told she was out of the group via a fax.
She said: 'The disappointment was that it was by fax. I thought, "Just phone me."
Vernie added: 'Sending the fax was not our suggestion, we didn't even know.
'We definitely wouldn't have done it by fax, there would've been a better way to do it.' 
Unaware: Vernie insisted her and sister Easther didn't have a clue that Kelle was told the girls wanted her out of the group
Unaware: Vernie insisted her and sister Easther didn't have a clue that Kelle was told the girls wanted her out of the group

The emotional episode also saw Kelle reveal she is still suffering from being diagnosed with Lupus after she had departed the group, and explained she was devastated that Vernie and Easther didn't contact her following the diagnosis.
Talking about when she was told by the doctor she had the potential life-threatening condition, she said: ' I just thought, "So are we talking a week off or something," and in the end he [the doctor] just went, "You need to sit down … this means you could end up in a wheelchair, you need to take this seriously."
'I'm still not fully recovered. I have to take medication and I go to hospital quite a lot. No one got in touch with me.'
Kelle also admitted at being shocked that she was offering a solo deal after departing the girl band and was reluctant to do it until she was told she would be paid £1.2million.
She said: 'I thought, "What the hell am I doing? They do realise I was the one who didn't do much singing?" '
Break up: Easther described the aftermath of the group's split as 'like going through a divorce'
Break up: Easther described the aftermath of the group's split as 'like going through a divorce'

Hurt: Kelle (left) admitted she was disappointed that Vernie or Easther didn't get in touch with her after she was diagnosed with Lupus
Hurt: Kelle (left) admitted she was disappointed that Vernie or Easther didn't get in touch with her after she was diagnosed with Lupus
Blast from the past: Kelle claims she wasn't told when Vernie and Easther were going away on trips
Blast from the past: Kelle claims she wasn't told when Vernie and Easther were going away on trips

Another of The Big Reunion's six groups, A1 – made up of Ben Adams, Christian Ingebrigtsen and Mark Read - also lifted the lid on some of their past struggles during the episode.
Christian revealed he once considered committing suicide by jumping off the balcony of his flat in Norway, where he is from, following the group's split in 2002 because he had no money and spent a whole year playing computer games.
He explained: 'I sat around playing PlayStation for about a year, I didn't have any money and I didn't even think about money.
'I felt really crap, like my life was over. I didn't want to die but I didn't want to live either.
'Standing on my balcony I had a really great apartment in Oslo. I really wanted to jump from that balcony. Then I got help, thankfully.' 
Tough stuff: A1 also spoke about their trials and tribulations following their split
Tough stuff: A1 also spoke about their trials and tribulations following their split

Close to death: Christian Ingebrigtsen admitted he considered killing himself at one point following the band's split in 2002
Close to death: Christian Ingebrigtsen admitted he considered killing himself at one point following the band's split in 2002

Ben admitted he only had eyes for drink and women when the group split and admitted he can't remember whether or not he once slept with a Thai prostitute or not.
He said: 'I remember sitting on my doorstep drinking on my own and thinking – what now? What do I do? I'm retired at 21.
'I wanted to put my energy into drinking and girls. That was then my job, going out, getting smashed. That was what I did for a long time.
What to do next: Ben Adams admitted he only had eyes for drink and women when the group split
What to do next: Ben Adams admitted he only had eyes for drink and women when the group split
Success: He now has a recording studio and admits the talent he works with has improved remarkably
Success: He now has a recording studio and admits the talent he works with has improved remarkably

'There's this story going round about me and a Thai prostitute I'll can't remember much about that night so It might of happened or it might not have happened.
'I do remember being on a stripper's stage with only a pair of socks on.'
He now has a recording studio and insists the talent he works with has improved remarkably since he started out.
He said: 'I had some utter utter s**t coming through the door and I'd be looking at the screen thinking, "I used to perform to hundreds of thousands of people and now I have to make this deaf idiot sound good." It was soul destroying.' 
Struggle: Mark Read admitted he found it tough to cope with not being in the boy band lifestyle when the group split
Struggle: Mark Read admitted he found it tough to cope with not being in the boy band lifestyle when the group split

What's more, Mark admitted he found it tough to deal with not being in the band up until they reunited for the show.
He explained: 'You just find yourself searching. It took me a long time to find out who I'm supposed to be. I'm constantly fighting depression.
I just didn't know how to carry on without A1 there. That lifestyle is an addiction and you really feel the lows when you're not doing it anymore.
I'm kind of ashamed to say I still don’t know how to function outside that bubble.' 
Blast from the past: A1 as they were back in the day including Paul Marazzi (third from the left), who turned down the chance to appear on The Big Reunion
Blast from the past: A1 as they were back in the day including Paul Marazzi (third from the left), who turned down the chance to appear on The Big Reunion

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